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Thanks to the photographer.

To the world humanitarians and peace loving people.

Sub: Speech about present terrorism and inhuman activities. And our common method to Subdue & uproot the International Oppressor.
              My humble submission is this; at present is not good time for Mankind. In fact it is a high terrific period for the world. Now, unfortunately the Humanitarians are being cheated continuously in various ways. The Fanatic rascals and selfish opportunities  are accomplished their gain by the name of Human rights, Democracy, Rural and Environmental development, Public health, Education etc and their tricks and faultless acting are so appealing. Now it is clear that actual Human rights are being more affected for want of foresight of its main Legislator.
I think at present, the humanitarians should be more careful and realist. At first you should identify all inhuman people and their groups. Then immediately you should close all helps and cut off their all helping routes without minimum release. Beside it, every responsible humanist should desist from any act and comment which encourage the activities of  enemy of humanity.
But unfortunately till now those activities are not done. In the circumstances, the first threat to Human Society is a particular communal groups which are accomplishing disturbance more and more . For this all sorts of people are suffering painfully and those are feeling safe today, will suffer tomorrow.
Now, the most terrific terrorist’s unity is breaking all Human, Social and Religious Rules and Regulations. They are using those in every now and then and everywhere according their need openly.
Such as:
  • Setting child, women, and civilians as their shields.

  • Disturbing, Attacking and killing the civilian.

  • Ambushing in public houses.

  • For traffic, attacking and running away using the medical ambulance and public cars etc.

For disguise they also do several marriages. In fact the Human rights are being more effected now by it’s current Service system, Policies and over Nobility of world Humanitarians and peace loving people. Also by those Unlawful tricks of terrorists the Humanitarians are Dividing, Embracing, defeat and Suffering one after another. And Present policy of human rights is the first Suicidal Policy for the good world and Humanitarians. It should be remembered that if they get more time, they will get more opportunity for the inhuman deeds.
