Communal envy is bad and now various communal groups are the main root of almost all international crimes. If we keep our eyes at the world, we must have to comprehend that the fanatic religious community is the main fountain of almost all injuries. These bigoted community people also have flawless artful characteristics. They have already involved with threatening, looting, killing, torturing and rape without let. In fact they are the main organ of the international terrorism. Their main targets are other religious community and dissident people. As their remark and comments is this- their religion is perfect and other religions are imperfect. By this time directly or indirectly maximum bigoted community people and their authorities are helping to increase this religious malice through the world. They take helps frankly from others but always help and pray only for their own community. Moreover they are gaining more advantages from humanism and humanitarians. But they are hammering on the humanity uninterruptedly. They are also trying to capture all leaderships by means of fair or foul.